Category: Uncategorized

  • 4 Months Stateside

    Starting to Settle In Immigrating back to the States, my home country, has reminded me about the stages of grief. Just as when one experiences grief, our immigration wasn’t just a “one off” occurance. The travel for immigration happened on a specific date, but the act of actually “immigrating” or “settling in” continues to unfold.…

  • 3 Months Stateside

    A lot has changed since we last wrote in this blog. We’ve had another baby. We became full-time parent(s) to Kim’s daughter, Billie – who is almost 15 now! And…we immigrated from Belgium to the USA. So, we thought thought it was ABOUT TIME we updated our blog! First things first – Nakoa Knight was…

  • The State Of Marriage in the 21st Century

    What has become of marriage & what you can do about it We will never forget when -during the early stages of us dating- it became very clear that we both had very different opinions and beliefs on marriage. Where Cheyanne believed marriage was a life-long desire of hers, and a requirement, for life-long commitment…

  • Cleyman 2.0

    Where we’ve been & where we’re headed We’ve had a crazy 18 months. After a stepfamily adventure, we felt that it was time to expand our horizons. We learned a ton, and not just about the science of blending families and helping others in doing so. We’re glad we had that experience, and the programs…

  • Turning 34

    Wow. Here I am. Ending my Jesus year. On to 34. “Jesus year,” you may ask? Huh? I remember the first time I heard that. Jesus himself only lived to his 33rd year, and wow, what a year it was for him. I am now OLDER than the most important person in my life ever…

  • You are in mixed-cultural marriage. You might just not realize it.

    Wait, so what IS is culture anyway?  In some relationships it’s overly clear that there are multiple cultures at play. For instance, it’s obvious that this is so in mixed-racial love relationships, but when people look at us, the Cleymans, they wouldn’t assume that there are cultural differences at play. However, whenever two different continents…

  • How To Make Your New Years’ Resolutions Stick

    If you’re anything like us, now that the Christmas season is over, you’ve already entered into the stage of self reflection. When we all come to this time of year, there are often two feelings we have: either this past year was one to never forget, or maybe one where you want to try and forget sooner rather than later.  Even though the world seems to be spinning crazier by the day, we believe it offers us the opportunity to learn, and learn a…

  • 6 Strange & Somewhat Creepy Christmas Traditions Around The World

    Hey Friends! This year, we had the amazing opportunity to coach students that have heritages from over 6 different cultures. We wanted to honor them, and share with all of you, the different Christmas traditions that are done in our client’s countries and cultures around the world. Now, pull up a chair, grab some egg…

  • This One Communication Shift Changed Our Marriage

    “You’re just not LISTENING to me.” OUCH. If you’re married, chances are, you’ve heard this statement before. But, when you read it just now, how did you hear that in your head?Was this statement said with…Anger? Frustration? Contempt? Hopelessness? Kindness? Perhaps you heard it the way it’s been said to you before. Or maybe, you even heard it in the…

  • How To Get Through Hard Seasons in Marriage

    You know those “seasons” that people talk about in marriage that are more challenging than others? Well, we are IN one. I’ve come on here not to “air” our dirty laundry, gossip or complain, but instead to share with you the reality we ALL as married couples face, or will face, and shed some light…